npm scripts
npm 支持在 package.json 中添加 “scripts”,以下是支持的 scripts,(通常说的生命周期方法):
- prepublish: Run BEFORE the package is published. (ALso run on local npm install without any arguments.)
- publish, postpublish: Run AFTER the package is published.
- preinstall: Run BEFORE the package is installed
- install, postinstall: Run AFTER the package is installed.
- preuninstall, uninstall: Run Before the package is uninstalled.
- postuninstall: Run AFter the package is uninstalled.
- preversion, version: Run BEFORE bump the package version.
- postversion: Run AFTER bump the package version.
- pretest, test, posttest: Run by the npm test command.
- prestop, stop, poststop: Run by the npm stop command.
- prestart, start, poststart: Run by the npm start command.
- prerestart, restart, postrestart: Run by the npm restart command. Note: npm restart will run the stop and start scripts if no restart scripts is provided.
另外,其他的 script 也可以通过运行 ** npm run-script
如果你需要在使用你的 package 之前做一些不依赖于操作系统或者目标系统结构的操作的话,就可以使用prepublish脚本。包括一些这样的操作:
- 将 CoffeeScript 编译为 JavaScript
- 压缩js代码
- 拉取你的 package 依赖的远程资源
- 可以在 devDependency 依赖 coffee-script,而用户并不需要安装
- 不一定需要在 package 里包含压缩版的代码,减小了大小
- 不一定需要用户环境或者目标系统依赖 curl 或者 wget 命令
npm 会依据 package 内容包含一些默认值。
- “start”: “node server.js”:
If there is a server.js file in the root of your package, then npm will default the start command to node server.js.
- “install”: “node-gyp rebuild”:
If there is a binding.gyp file in the root of your package, npm will default the install command to compile using node-gyp.